

Misogynist Pope Francis Cracks Down On US Feminist Nuns.


Pope Francis has reaffirmed a crack down on US nuns, as promised by his predecessor Pope Benedict. Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), a group that represents more than 80% of the 57,000 Catholic nuns in the US, must change its ways, in a ruling the Vatican said on Monday 15TH April still applied.

In 2012 a Vatican report said the LCWR had serious doctrinal problems with promoting 'radical feminist ideas' not compatible with the Catholic faith, criticising its soft line on birth control and homosexuality.

 On Monday, the Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller head of the Vatican's doctrinal department and Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle; assigned to correct the group's failings met with the leaders of the LCWR.
 "Archbishop Müller informed the LCWR presidency that he had recently discussed the doctrinal assessment with Pope Francis, who reaffirmed the findings of the assessment and the programme of reform," the Vatican's statement said.

In April 2012, the doctrinal department criticised the LCWR for challenging bishops and for being "silent on the right to life," saying it had failed to make the "Biblical view of family life and human sexuality" a central plank of its agenda.

 The nuns supported President Barack Obama's healthcare reform, part of which makes insurance coverage of birth control mandatory, while U.S. bishops opposed it. Many nuns said the Vatican's report misunderstood their intentions and undervalued their work for social justice. Supporters of the nuns said the women had helped the image of the Church in the United States at a time when it was engulfed in scandal over sexual abuse of minors by priests. They were praised by many fellow Catholics and the media for their work with the poor and sick.

 This reaffirming of the reforms smacks of the usual misogyny displayed by the Vatican, making the protests by many Catholics to our recent misogyny accusation, with the publishing of a yet to be verified quote by Cardinal Bergoglio, extremely vacuous.

The quote is yet to be verified, and in attempts to verify the quote it's apparent the state news agency of Argentina has large chunks of news missing from the archives covering the pertinent dates; omissions inconceivable considering Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

The accuracy of the quote is important, but far more interesting is the ongoing investigation to the missing news records and other stories the research is uncovering, we will document all findings in the very near future.

RJ for Antitheists
