

Scarecrow Jesus Offends Christians and Burns.

Scarecrow Jesus Offends Christians.

Scarecrow Seen As Jesus Christ By Radical Extremist Christians in Essex 

Radical extremist Christians reacted angrily to the erection of a twenty foot scarecrow for the benefit of local children in Billericay Essex, UK.

The twenty foot scarecrow built to promote the farm's activities for children over the Easter holiday period was slammed by Christians for mocking their lord and savior Jesus Christ, obviously because the scarecrow was mounted in a messianic pose and clearly ridiculing Jesus.

Note for Christians: Scarecrows are erected arms stretched, that's how scarecrows work. To take offense over scarecrows mocking Jesus shouts volumes about how you really view your Jesus Christ.
David Finkle the general manager at Barleylands said before the scarecrow was torched to the ground,

" the scarecrow doesn't have hands, feet or any nails, bailing twine only. 
It took us ages to make his giant patchwork jacket and he is complete with raffia hair which changes in the wind.  I want to bring children's learning to life and I made the scarecrow so people knew about the Books, Cooks and Scarecrow week we're holding. Kids can make scones from scratch and then go out and make their own scarecrows. I think it's a shame that children don't do as much outside and we want to change that and bring their learning alive. He's a brilliant example of a scarecrow stuffed with straw."

Christians hating scarecrows and taking offense is far more important than any motivational and educational benefits offered to children.

The majority of local people loved the scarecrow and thought it was a great addition to the community,, many quoted as  saying how "fabulous" the scarecrow was and "what a great bit of fun it was."

Cyanide and Happiness come to mind with this cartoon of Scarecrow Jesus.

Scarecrow Jesus Attacked By Arsonists

Tragedy struck twice on the night of Thursday 21st Feb 2013 at Barleylands. The fire service was called to a fire started at the base of the scarecrow 11.23pm, thanks to their rapid response, the scarecrow's destruction was halted, but arsonists returned again the same night to complete the job. Sadly at 00:10 Friday 22nd February the scarecrow was torched for the second time and destroyed.

Unsurprisingly the extremist Christians top the list of suspects, the determined effort to destroy the scarecrow surprised local police. Offended Christians responding angrily to the scarecrow last week, leave locals suspecting the same Christians, but police say they are continuing with their investigation.

Christians Suspected of Burning Scarecrow to the ground in double arson attack.The initial attack on the scarecrow was thwarted by the local fire service's rapid response. A second attack approx thirty minutes later succeeded in the scarecrow's destruction, it was torched and burned to the ground.
The giant twenty foot scarecrow was the only target, and police were surprised at how determined the arsonists were to see this particular scarecrow torched and destroyed. A smaller less impressive scarecrow was left standing.
Any person with information please contact Essex police, your scarecrow could be next.

Radical Christians Force 'Jerry Springer the Opera to close'.

Reactionary Offended Christians are on the increase in the UK:
It wasn't so long ago extremist reactionary Christians in the UK closed down 'Jerry Springer The Opera'. Their protests prevented a children's hospice receiving a substantial donation from the planned benefit gig. The Christians threatened to picket the hospice and forced the organizers to ask, "the show not go on." They sadly bowed to threats made by Christians.

To see more on this, Stewart Lee reports below.  