

Endemic Child Abuse. Cameron Ambushed Live on TV by Phillip Schofield.

Endemic Child Abuse. Cameron Ambushed Live on TV by Phillip Schofield.

Following recent allegations that child abuse cases in North Wales children's homes were unsatisfactorily investigated, a further investigation has been called as a result of a review called for by Cameron. The review established that pertinent facts were overlooked in the initial investigation.

Senior MPs from Maggie Thatcher's era are named as frequent visitors to the area and prolific abusers of the children, yet complaints of this by the children were ignored and not included in the initial police investigation. A man who claims to have been abused as a boy by a senior Conservative has accused William Hague of "stifling" a 1997 paedophile inquiry by preventing it from examining claims beyond the care system in north Wales.
Since the news of Jimmy Savile, always a strange man, but amazing man for the amount of charitable work he did, especially for Stoke Mandeville Hospital which was close to where I come from. After his death he has been shown to be a prolific abuser of children, leading to his family removing his gravestone, all his awards looking to be stripped and considering his tv persona and work on tv with kids has shocked and sickened a nation.

The Savile case begs the obvious questions, who at the BBC knew what, when and why wasn't something done about this a lot earlier?  The suspicion of course and the most obvious, is that abuse on the scale we are seeing from organizations in addition to the Vatican and Catholic church reaches right to the very top and is therefore covered up and swept under the carpet.

On being questioned live on TV Cameron was ambushed with a list of names by presenter Philip Schofield. Without looking at the list, he responded with "I've heard all sorts of names being banded around and what then tends to happen is, of course, everyone sits around and speculates about people. Some of whom are alive, some of whom are dead."

As much as this sounds more something from conspiracy corner, it's not, the evidence to date infers almost without doubt that the establishment from the bottom to the top is instrumental in obstructing justice for the abused.

The shadowy and secretive organization "The Family" where the founder believed that god gave him a new revelation saying that Christianity had gotten it wrong for two thousand years and that what most people think of as Christianity, as being about, you know, helping the weak and the poor and the meek and the down and out, he believes god came to him one night in April in 1935 and said what Christianity should really be about is building more power for the already powerful. And that these powerful men who were chosen by god can then if they want to dispense blessings to the rest of us, through a kind of trickle-down fundamentalism.

The leader of the family stated raping three little girls would not make a member a bad person, because the usual rules do not apply. You can see the interview with the author of the family here. RACHAEL MADDOW

The republican sex offenders list makes for lengthy reading and something else they seem to share with the religious organizations they are so closely affiliated.  SEE THE LIST HERE.

The scandal that the Vatican deals with cases under canon law, where no DNA or anything of real investigative value is used, has always led to ideas that abuse at the level it is happening reaches right to the very top and given unprecedented protection.

Has this always been the case, and that the speed at which people can now share information means we are far more aware, rather than this being a new endemic problem?

For your copy of The Family. Please click below.