

Church and State Separation - Religious Harm.

Church and State Separation - Religious Harm.

"The enlightenment is also under threat in the USA, presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, republican and democrat strongly supported science, aspiring to a nation guided by reason. America is now a nation where religious bias creeps into American law, regardless of whether president Obama wins, most of the theocrats I name in my book will still have their hands on the levers of power in congress and in the legislatures.

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science works to overcome the intolerance and suffering that springs from fundamentalism. You know about the religious bias against gay people in American law and reproductive rights. I document eight more areas of law, on the books today, American law, based on religious bias, laws harming real people.

I'm not talking about A MANGER IN A TOWN SQUARE, I document areas of law where everyday citizens suffer injustice. And in extreme cases children placed in situations of ill-health or death with the imprimatur of American law with religious bias. "

Sean Faircloth

"At no time in history has the United States had such a high percentage of theocratic members of Congress—those who expressly endorse religious bias in law. Just as ominously, especially for those who share the values and views of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, at no other time have religious fundamentalists effectively had veto power over one of the country's two major political parties. As Sean Faircloth argues in this deeply sobering yet highly engaging book, this has led to the crumbling of the country's most cherished founding principle—the wall of separation between church and state.
While much of the public debate in the United States over church-state issues has focused on the construction of nativity scenes in town squares and the addition of "under God" to the Pledge, Faircloth, a former politician and current Director of Strategy & Policy for the U.S. branch of the Richard Dawkins Foundation, moves beyond the symbolism to explore the many ways federal and state legal codes privilege religion in law. He demonstrates in vivid detail how religious bias in law harms all Americans—financially, militarily, physically, socially, and educationally—and directs special attention to the outlandish words, views, and policy proposals of the most theocratic politicians, a group he labels the Fundamentalist Fifty. Sounding a much-needed alarm for all who care about the future direction of the country, Faircloth concludes by offering an inspiring ten-point vision of an America returned to its secular roots and by providing a specific and sensible plan for realizing this vision. Both his vision and his plan remember and remind that the United States is, above all else, one nation under the Constitution."

Sean Faircloth.

Do something about the Religious Industrial Complex