

Anti-Blasphemy Resolution. UNGA United Nations General Assembly

UNGA Anti-Blasphemy Resolution.

Following the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York, on September 25, 2012 when the leaders of Indonesia and Pakistan spoke up for the condemnation of blasphemy. UNGA President Vuk Jeremic speaks to RT's Marina Portnaya.

The two most Muslim populated countries used their time at the United Nations General Assembly to call for a global anti-blasphemy protocol/resolution. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his Pakistan counterpart, Asif Ali Zardari, both argued that insults against Mohammed, Islam’s prophet, incite violence and are not legitimate free speech.

Yudhoyono pointed out that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says the exercise of rights and freedoms is subject to “the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.”

Blasphemy is without a victim. It's one thing to be offended
personally, it's another thing altogether to be offended on
behalf of some invented deity.
 UNGA President Vuk Jeremic speaks to RT's Marina Portnaya.

General Assembly resolutions are not binding on states, even less binding on individuals. From what I understand the GA is going to be considering an anti-blasphemy resolution, a resolution proposed in the aftermath of the violent reaction on the anti-Muslim film made in the US. If adopted, what can it achieve?

The decisions of the General Assembly carry significant moral weight. And given that they are reached within the universal representation of mankind, I think they carry a very-very special message with regard to blasphemy, something that in my opinion can affect stability in the entire world. And it goes really to the heart of the frictions that are in many ways coloring the security, economic and geopolitical situation of today. There are a lot of people who have different points of view on this issue and it’s mainly the religious feeling versus that of freedom of speech. As a president of the General Assembly I will do my best to work with all sides, all parties to this debate and the General Assembly, to make sure that the 67th session resolution on blasphemy does carry significant moral weight and is backed by a vast majority.

Previous defamation resolutions were overturned by the UN, replaced with Freedom of Opinion and Expression - See Below.

“General Comment No. 34, Article 19: Freedom of Opinion and Expression,” issued on July 29, 2011. Here are some excerpts:

Freedom of opinion and freedom of expression are indispensable conditions for the full development of the person. They are essential for any society. They constitute the foundation stone for every free and democratic society. The two freedoms are closely related, with freedom of expression providing the vehicle for the exchange and development of opinions. (Paragraph 2)

Freedom of expression is a necessary condition for the realisation of the principles of transparency and accountability that are, in turn, essential for the promotion and protection of human right. (Paragraph 3)

States parties should put in place effective measures to protect against attacks aimed at silencing those exercising their right to freedom of expression. (Paragraph 23)

Restrictions on the right of freedom of opinion should never be imposed. (Paragraph 49)


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