

What Would Jesus Buy? - Antitheist atheist

This post includes the feature length film,What Would Jesus Buy?

The Rev Billy preaching at the recent "Occupy Wall Street" event.

A discussion The Rev Billy had only a few days ago with Max Keiser the Russia Today presenter of his own show "The Keiser Report"

Finally for any person interested, this post concludes with the documentary "The High Cost of Low Prices."

What Would Jesus Buy? - Antitheist atheist blog. Feature Length Film by the Rev Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping.

In this excellent documentary style comedy film, Rev Billy of The Church of Stop Shopping goes on a crusade to save the nation from the evils of consumerism.  Not as ridiculous as it first sounds considering George Bush's first reaction to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, was carry on shopping. This was the way to ensure the "terrorists" did not win.

Walmart supermarket demons are confronted full on,  the Rev Billy preaches in the malls across America, including The Disney store and the evil this embodies as a corporate entity. The same man behind this film Spurlock, was also the man responsible for "Super Size Me"  as well as the excellent  "Where in the World is Bin Laden?"

Can the Rev Billy stave off the pending shopocalypse? Though this is essentially addressing the issues of Christmas consumerism, \ironic, irony?  It does not distract from this being a different and fun movie.

Rev Billy at the Occupy Wall Street protests.

The Rev Billy preaches at the recent "Occupy Wall Street" campaigns.

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