

Robert Anton Wilson talks about Alfred Korzybski, Friedrich Nietzsche, etc.

Robert Anton Wilson talks about Alfred Korzybski, Friedrich Nietzsche and others.

  Robert Anton Wilson's unusual but seemingly perfect description on how we create our own individual realities. We all create he suggests our own universes and no two universes are exactly the same.
  True, false, indeterminate and meaningless. Everything falls into one or more of these and is explained in the clip.
 The adoption of maybe over "is" sounds quite simple but the implications are far reaching and ends the arrogance of certainty with such a small change in use of language.
  Not universal truths, the things science has agreed on and set parameters, the things which are to each of us different and open to interpretation.
  That said with the scientific method of measurement and quantifying, we are the ones responsible for drawing the parameters and they may not of course be suitable. As RAW  puts it "we draw the lines on the map."
  Robert Anton Wilson maybe seen as a crackpot by many, he lived an interesting life often articulating very different insights by drawing influence from many sources and then using the info to think outside of the box, If RAW was ever inside the box. 

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