

Harold Camping's Last Words

Harold Camping's Last Words

"Hello, this is Harold Camping with a few ideas, or a few statements, so that you can know where I am in this whole picture. I am very, very glad that god has been with me. I am slowly getting healed, although I still have a long way to go. There has been one big change and that is that I have been able to leave the hospital and now am able to live with my dear wife at home. And that has been very, very comforting and very happy for me. I’m still a long ways away from being healed, but there is progress being made and at times it looks like very substantial progress. Although, I still have a long way to go. I am particularly grateful when I hear about your prayers and your concerns for my health and wellbeing. And I’m glad that god is answering those prayers.
I do believe that we’re getting very near the very end. And we’ve have not known, we’ve learned that there’s a lot of things that we didn’t have quite right.And that god’s good provision, if he had not kept us from knowing everything that we didn’t know we would not have been used by him to bring about the tremendous event that occurred on May 21 of this year, and which probably will be finished out on October 21 that’s coming very shortly. That looks like it will be, at this point; it looks like it will be the final end of everything.
It also looks like that as god is developing details . . . or as we are learning from the Bible god’s details of the end . . . we find that god is not a respecter of persons. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Some of the most wicked in the world, like the son of David, who rebelled against David and David cried out I wish it were me rather than he that was Absalom who we read quite a bit about in the Bible. And it encourages us to believe that all of our unsaved loved ones will not receive special vengeance of god at all. Because “the vengeance is mine” and that means that he’s going to apply the vengeance that he wants to apply. And when we study the historical record of his application of vengeance taking for example, as a prime illustration, the son of David who rebelled and wanted to take the throne and then saw David weeping and wailing over him – we must believe that probably there will be no pain suffered by anyone because of their rebellion against god.  This is very comforting to all of us because we all have children and we have loved ones that are dear to us that we know are not saved and yet we know that they’ll quietly die. We can become more and more assured that they’ll quietly die and that will be the end of their story.
Whereas, the true believers will quietly receive the new heaven and the new earth. I really am beginning to think as I read – study these matters that there is going to be no big display of any kind. The end is going to come very, very quietly; probably within the next month. It will happen that is by October 21.
In the meanwhile, oh my, it’s been so good to hear about those who are continuing to be faithful they undoubtedly are the elect of god. And we know absolutely that the elect will be saved there is no question at all about that. And we know that there are in family radio many who have been so faithful and are remaining faithful right to the end. We praise god for that.
And so we’re continuing on. By god’s mercy I am able to do a little bit more movement because I am no longer in the hospital. But I am still limited, but on the other hand there is growth and things are getting better as we go along. And maybe god will keep me to the end also so that together we can go to be with him forever more. And I am very convinced that all of the elect will definitely end up with the lord Jesus Christ in a very very few weeks
Thank you so much for allowing me to speak to you I am so grateful. And I wish that I were well, but on the other hand I know my work has been done and I can wait on the lord knowing that he will complete it through others as he is so doing right now.
Goodbye and my god bless each one of you.”