

Tim Booth on Religion.


Thanks to Susan for bringing this to our attention. Susan is also a big Tim Booth fan. Among many things, he's the front man of the fantastic group "James".

The dominant religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism believe that man must transcend his sexual nature; that our sinful bodies need controlling, preferably by the church.  I believe these ancient patriarchal beliefs still have far too strong and subtle control over our society.

The enforced suppression of our sexuality is poisonous, unnatural and damages our mental and physical well-being. How many well intentioned priests attempting to stem their natural desires by being unnaturally celibate became pedophiles?

Adultery and homosexuality are still punished by stoning in parts of the world. Circumcision is routinely performed on newborns without thought for psychological consequences.

In the time of AIDS, it's a sin to use a condom. In most countries we can't obtain assisted suicide, even when in unbearable pain; whilst the murder of young girls is called honor killings.

Women are labelled whores for the merest expression of their sexuality. It is estimated that one-hundred-and-twenty-million  girls have had their clitorises removed. If boys were being castrated like this, wouldn't we have stopped it by now?

Darwin caused a storm by saying we're descended from apes. This doesn't go far enough, We are apes; apes in denial with some pretentious aspirations.

We have some basic, beautiful, natural needs that we're often fearful to express. Finger pointing shame is toxic.

It's time for we individuals to choose what we do with our own bodies - the bodies that we've been given in this lifetime. And to heal the wounds that have been created by thousands of years of violence, exile and shame.